Overview — Keefer Inc. Testing

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podcasts overview


Many of you first came into contact with Kris Keefer through his participation in Steve Matthes’ widely-known PulpMX Podcast. Since his initial appearance on the show, Keefer’s role has grown to full-blown co-host, and his love for this form of media has led Kris to begin dabbling in his very own segments and shows. From regular race reporting to testing knowledge to relationship advice, there are no topics that are off-limits for Keefer to discuss in the “Lion’s Den”. And with his very own shows up and running in the near future, you can expect even more honesty, information, and entertainment out of Keefer soon.

For now, click on the links to the left to access the PulpMX Show website, and stay tuned to www.keeferinctesting.com for some all new segments soon!